Friday, February 21, 2014

The Three Steps to Becoming an Orthodontist

For every profession, there are different educational steps to take. In healthcare, doctors spend many years learning and practicing in their areas of expertise. In Colorado Springs, Dr. Scott Suter has also taken the required educational and practical steps to provide top-notch orthodontic treatment. The path to becoming an orthodontist involves three steps: college, dental school and an accredited orthodontic residency program. Let’s take a glimpse at Dr. Suter’s educational checklist!

Dr. Suter’s orthodontic education

þ College: Colorado State University–Bachelor of Science degree
þ Dental School: University of Missouri–Kansas City
þ Accredited Orthodontic Program: St. Louis University

Dentist vs. orthodontist: where should you go?
If you have malocclusion, the person you need to see is an orthodontist. While some dentist offices (general dentists) offer/promote orthodontic devices, such as Invisalign or ClearCorrect, they haven’t gone through the same courses and training as an orthodontist, who practices solely with orthodontic treatments, such as metal braces, palatal expanders, retainers and lingual braces (invisible braces). Colorado Springs residents can go to Suter Orthodontics for the following orthodontic devices: metal braces, clear braces (tooth colored) and lingual wires.

If you have any questions regarding your Colorado Springs orthodontist, patients can call (719) 550-0222. Also, check in and check out our Facebook page for a chance to win a prize! Dr. Suter and his team are giving out $15 iTunes gift card every two weeks!